-text c-gray-1″ >The 8GB Ouya is $30 off until Monday, dropping its price from $100 to $70, all in the name of love (and Hallmark cards). Enter the coupon code “OUYA3” at checkout via the Ouya store by Monday and not only will the console magically fall in price, but it should arrive on your doorstep in time for Valentine’s Day, Ouya promises.
Ouya, a $99 Android microconsole crowdfunded to the tune of $8.6 million in 2012, hit retail in June 2013. A 16GB version for $130 launched late last month, iterating on a limited edition, white 16GB model offered during the holidays. In mid-January this year, Ouya co-founder Muffi Ghadiali left the company as it underwent some ” promotional voucher changes.” [Image: Ouya]
Source: Ouya In this article: coupons, ouya, valentines-day All products recommended by Engadget are selected by our editorial team, independent of our parent company. Some of our stories include affiliate links. If you buy something through one of these links, we may earn an affiliate commission. Comments Share Tweet Share Save Popular on Engadget
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